Every time you check E-Mail, go through your Inbox, read messages, and either reply, delete, or transfer them to another folder: Have folders of different names for your various contacts or as per action required to be taken or as per projects. When you finish an E-Mail session, follow the same process with messages in the Outbox and delete junk mail. You will find thhat you save a lot of time by keeping your Inbox empty and your messages organized.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Keep E-Mail Folders Clean
Every time you check E-Mail, go through your Inbox, read messages, and either reply, delete, or transfer them to another folder: Have folders of different names for your various contacts or as per action required to be taken or as per projects. When you finish an E-Mail session, follow the same process with messages in the Outbox and delete junk mail. You will find thhat you save a lot of time by keeping your Inbox empty and your messages organized.